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onsdag 10 oktober 2018

Legionella genome (PubMed haku)
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Watanabe K, Suzuki H, Nishida T, Mishima M, Tachibana M, Fujishima M, Shimizu T, Watarai M.
FEMS Microbiol Ecol. 2018 Nov 1;94(11). doi: 10.1093/femsec/fiy162.
Wells M, Lasek-Nesselquist E, Schoonmaker-Bopp D, Baker D, Thompson L, Wroblewski D, Nazarian E, Lapierre P, Musser KA.
Infect Genet Evol. 2018 Jul 31;65:200-209. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2018.07.040. [Epub ahead of print]
Fleres G, Couto N, Lokate M, van der Sluis LWM, Ginevra C, Jarraud S, Deurenberg RH, Rossen JW, García-Cobos S, Friedrich AW.
Microorganisms. 2018 Jul 18;6(3). pii: E71. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms6030071.
Kulkarni P, Olson ND, Paulson JN, Pop M, Maddox C, Claye E, Rosenberg Goldstein RE, Sharma M, Gibbs SG, Mongodin EF, Sapkota AR.
Sci Total Environ. 2018 Oct 15;639:1126-1137. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.178. Epub 2018 May 26.
Kenzaka T, Yasui M, Baba T, Nasu M, Tani K.
Biocontrol Sci. 2018;23(2):53-59. doi: 10.4265/bio.23.53.
Nikoh N, Tsuchida T, Maeda T, Yamaguchi K, Shigenobu S, Koga R, Fukatsu T.
MBio. 2018 Jun 12;9(3). pii: e00890-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.00890-18.
Mylius M, Dreesman J, Pulz M, Pallasch G, Beyrer K, Claußen K, Allerberger F, Fruth A, Lang C, Prager R, Flieger A, Schlager S, Kalhöfer D, Mertens E.
Int J Med Microbiol. 2018 Jul;308(5):539-544. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmm.2018.05.005. Epub 2018 May 29.
  • Legionella pneumophila omaa useita "muonanhankintaan" erikoistuneita kuljettajaproteiineja  
Best A, Jones S, Abu Kwaik Y.
Sci Rep. 2018 May 29;8(1):8352. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-26782-x.
  •  Legionelloosiongelmat  pysyvät  uutisisia. Instituutioissa ja isoissa rakennuksissa   tällaisten  vesijärjestelmissä pesivien infektioiden estäminen vaatii omat ohjelmansa
Herwaldt LA, Marra AR.
Curr Opin Infect Dis. 2018 Aug;31(4):325-333. doi: 10.1097/QCO.0000000000000468.
Legionellosis remains an important public health threat. To prevent these infections, staff of municipalities and large buildings must implement effective water system management programs that reduce Legionella growth and transmission and all Medicare-certified healthcare facilities must have water management policies. In addition, we need better methods for detecting Legionella in water systems and in clinical specimens to improve prevention strategies and clinical diagnosis.
  • Legionella pneumophila omaa ihmismitokondrian poriinin kaltaisen, jännitteestä riippuvan joniselektiivisen proteiinin, Lpg1974.  Se voi muodostaa lipidikaksoiskalvoon jonia selektiivisesti läpäisevän aukon. 
Younas F, Soltanmohammadi N, Knapp O, Benz R.
Biochim Biophys Acta Biomembr. 2018 Aug;1860(8):1544-1553. doi: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2018.05.008. Epub 2018 May 19.Abstract
.... Genome analyses have shown the presence of genes coding for eukaryotic like proteins in several Legionella species. The presence of these proteins may assist L. pneumophila in its adaptation to the eukaryotic host. We studied the characteristics of a protein (Lpg1974) of L. pneumophila that shows remarkable homologies in length of the primary sequence and for the identity/homology of many amino acids to the voltage dependent anion channel (human VDAC1, Porin 31HL) of human mitochondria. Two different forms of Lpg1974 were overexpressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity: the one containing a putative N-terminal signal sequence and one without it. Reconstituted protein containing the signal sequence formed ion-permeable pores in lipid bilayer membranes with a conductance of approximately 5.4 nS in 1 M KCl. When the predicted N-terminal signal peptide of Lpg1974 comprising an α-helical structure similar to that at the N-terminus of hVDAC1 was removed, the channels formed in reconstitution experiments had a conductance of 7.6 nS in 1 M KCl. Both Lpg1974 proteins formed pores that were voltage-dependent and anion-selective similar to the pores formed by hVDAC1. These results suggest that Lpg1974 of L. pneumophila is indeed a structural and functional homologue to hVDAC1.
  • Neljä bakteerisukua jolla on T4SS 
Esna Ashari Z, Dasgupta N, Brayton KA, Broschat SL.
PLoS One. 2018 May 9;13(5):e0197041. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0197041. eCollection 2018.
A thorough literature search was performed to find features that have been proposed. Feature values were calculated for datasets of known effectors and non-effectors for T4SS-containing pathogens for four genera with a sufficient number of known effectors, Legionella pneumophila, Coxiella burnetii, Brucella spp, and Bartonella spp. The features were ranked, and less important features were filtered out.
  • Ensimmäinen metagenominen tutkimnus Karachin juomavesisysteemistä.
Saleem F, Mustafa A, Kori JA, Hussain MS, Kamran Azim M.
Microb Ecol. 2018 Apr 24. doi: 10.1007/s00248-018-1192-2. [Epub ahead of print]The present metagenomic analysis of DWSS of Karachi has allowed the evaluation of bacterial communities in source water and the water being supplied to the city. Moreover, measurement of heavy metals in water samples from Karachi revealed arsenic concentration according to WHO standards which is in contrast of recent study which reported extensive arsenic contamination in aquifers in the Indus valley plain. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first metagenomic study of DWSS of Karachi.
  • Legionella pneumophila eristyksiä 2000-2012 Kanadasta. 
Fortuna A, Ramnarine R, Li A, Fittipaldi N, Frantz C, Mallo GV.
Genome Announc. 2018 Apr 12;6(15). pii: e00295-18. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.00295-18.
  • Eritrean kuumien lähteiden patogeeneissa Legionellaa 
Ghilamicael AM, Boga HI, Anami SE, Mehari T, Budambula NLM.
PLoS One. 2018 Mar 22;13(3):e0194554. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0194554. eCollection 2018.
 Human pathogens can survive and grow in hot springs. For water quality assessment, Escherichia coli or Enterococci are the main thermotolerant enteric bacteria commonly used to estimate the load of pathogenic bacteria in water. However, most of the environmental bacteria are unculturable thus culture methods may cause bias in detection of most pathogens. Illumina sequencing can provide a more comprehensive and accurate insight into environmental bacterial pathogens, which can be used to develop better risk assessment methods and promote public health awareness. In this study, high-throughput Illumina sequencing was used to identify bacterial pathogens from five hot springs; Maiwooi, Akwar, Garbanabra, Elegedi and Gelti, in Eritrea. Water samples were collected from the five hot springs. Total community DNA was extracted from samples using the phenol-chloroform method. The 16S rRNA gene variable region (V4-V7) of the extracted DNA was amplified and library construction done according to Illumina sequencing protocol. The sequence reads (length >200 bp) from Illumina sequencing libraries ranged from 22,091 sequences in the wet sediment sample from Garbanabra to 155,789 sequences in the mat sample from Elegedi. Taxonomy was assigned to each OTU using BLASTn against a curated database derived from GreenGenes, RDPII, SILVA SSU Reference 119 and NCBI. The proportion of potential pathogens from the water samples was highest in Maiwooi (17.8%), followed by Gelti (16.7%), Akwar (13.6%) and Garbanabra (10.9%). Although the numbers of DNA sequence reads from Illumina sequencing were very high for the Elegedi (104,328), corresponding proportion of potential pathogens very low (3.6%). Most of the potential pathogenic bacterial sequences identified were from Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. Legionella and Clostridium were the most common detected genera with different species. Most of the potential pathogens were detected from the water samples. However, sequences belonging to Clostridium were observed more abundantly from the mat samples. This study employed high-throughput sequencing technologies to determine the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the five hot springs in Eritrea.
David S, Mentasti M, Parkhill J, Chalker VJ.
Clin Microbiol Infect. 2018 Sep;24(9):1020.e1-1020.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2018.03.004. Epub 2018 Mar 13.
  • Legionellan effektoreissa on LotA, deubikikiinaasi.
Kubori T, Kitao T, Ando H, Nagai H.Cell Microbiol. 2018 Jul;20(7):e12840. doi: 10.1111/cmi.12840. Epub 2018 Apr 6.... Many effector proteins are expected to be involved in biogenesis and regulation of the Legionella-containing vacuole (LCV) that is highly decorated with ubiquitin. Here, we identified a Legionella deubiquitinase, designated LotA, by carrying out a genome analysis to find proteins resembling the eukaryotic ovarian tumour superfamily of cysteine proteases. LotA exhibits a dual ability to cleave ubiquitin chains that is dependent on 2 distinctive catalytic cysteine residues in the eukaryotic ovarian tumour domains. One cysteine dominantly contributes to the removal of ubiquitin from the LCVs by its polyubiquitin cleavage activity. The other specifically cleaves conjugated Lys6-linked ubiquitin. After delivered by the Type 4 secretion system, LotA localises on the LCVs via its PI(3)P-binding domain. The lipid-binding ability of LotA is crucial for ubiquitin removal from the vacuoles. We further analysed the functional interaction of the protein with the recently reported noncanonical ubiquitin ligases of L. pneumophila, revealing that the effector proteins are involved in coordinated regulation that contributes to bacterial growth in the host cells.
  • Legionella sainthelensi aiheuttaa vaikeaa pneumoniaa. Genomi selvitetty Uudessa Seelannissa.
Genome Announc. 2018 Feb 1;6(5). pii: e01588-17. doi: 10.1128/genomeA.01588-17.Legionella sainthelensi is an aquatic environmental bacterium that in humans can cause Legionnaires' disease (LD), an often severe form of pneumonia. Here, we report the first complete genome of a L. sainthelensi clinical isolate obtained in 2001 from a patient with LD in Canterbury, New Zealand.
Currently, there are two draft genome sequences for the ATCC 35248 type strain, which are the environmental isolates obtained near the Mt. St. Helens volcano (GenBank accession numbers NZ_JHXP00000000 and NZ_LNYV00000000).
  • Neljä  L. pneumophila alalajia: pneumophila, fraseri, pasculleri , raphaeli. 
Kozak-Muiznieks NA, Morrison SS, Mercante JW, Ishaq MK, Johnson T, Caravas J, Lucas CE, Brown E, Raphael BH, Winchell JM.
Infect Genet Evol. 2018 Apr;59:172-185. doi: 10.1016/j.meegid.2018.02.008. Epub 2018 Feb 7.
Highlights  Previously, it was demonstrated that L. pneumophila consists of three subspecies: pneumophila, fraseri and pascullei.
A set of 38 complete L. pneumophila genomes was analyzed. Four distinct subspecies, including the novel subsp. raphaeli, were identified. ANI values show unusually large genomic distances among subspecies. Subspecies-specific SBT consensus patterns were determined. A panel of subspecies-unique genes can be used for testing and classification.

  • Legionellojen fylogeneettisestä puusta 

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