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LÄHDE: Front Microbiol. 2011; 2: 74.
PMCID: PMC3129009
PMID: 21747794
Virulence Properties of the Legionella Pneumophila Cell Envelope
Tiivistelmästä suomennosta
Bakteerin vaippa on ratkaisevassa osassa infektiotautioen patogeneesissä. Tässä katsauksessa on yhteenvetoa nykyisestä (2011) tiedosta legionella pneumophila soluvaipan rakenteesta ja molekulaarisesta koostumuksesta. Käsitellään lipopolysakkaridien (LPS) synteesiä kalvon ja periplasmisten proteiinien biologisia aktiivisuuksia ja niiden ratkaisevia funktioita patogeenin ja sen isännän välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Bakteerin kiinnittymisen (adheesio) , invasoitumisen ja solun sisällä elossapysymisen lisäksi kiinnitetään erityishuomiota raudanhankintaan, detoksikaatioon, immuunivasteen avainasemassa oleviin esiinsaajiin ja ulomman rakkulakalvon erilaisiin funktioihin. Kirjallisuuden kriittisestä analysoinnista käy ilmi, että legionellasolupinnan dynamiikka ja fenotyyppinen plastisuus erilaisten metabolisten vaiheiden aikana vaatii tulevina aikoina enemmän huomionkiinnittämistä. Avainsanoja: Legionella pneumophila,bakteerivaippa, fosfolipidit, kalvoproteiinit, LPS, ulkokalvo rakkulat.
- Abstract The bacterial envelope plays a crucial role in the pathogenesis of infectious diseases. In this review, we summarize the current knowledge of the structure and molecular composition of the Legionella pneumophila cell envelope. We describe lipopolysaccharides biosynthesis and the biological activities of membrane and periplasmic proteins and discuss their decisive functions during the pathogen–host interaction. In addition to adherence, invasion, and intracellular survival of L. pneumophila, special emphasis is laid on iron acquisition, detoxification, key elicitors of the immune response and the diverse functions of outer membrane vesicles. The critical analysis of the literature reveals that the dynamics and phenotypic plasticity of the Legionella cell surface during the different metabolic stages require more attention in the future. Keywords: Legionella pneumophila, bacterial envelope, phospholipids, membrane proteins, LPS, outer membrane vesicles.
Gram-negatiivisten bakteereiden sytoplasmaa (CP) rajoittaa sisäkalvo (IM). Se on kahden fosfolipidikerroksen muodostama ja siinä on integoituneita ja perifeerisiä proteiineja ja lipoproteiineja. Se omaa metabolisia entsyymejä, hengitysketjun komponentteja ja osia koneistosta, joka hankkii rautaa. (Kuva 11)
- Bacterial cell envelopes fulfill several basic functions: They protect the bacterium from environmental hazards, they allow a selective passage of nutrients into and a specific export of waste products and secretion system substrates out of the cell. Additionally, they mediate the direct contact with other organisms. This holds particularly true for pathogenic bacteria, whose often highly specific interactions with host organisms depend largely on their surface structures. Accordingly, the ability of the Gram-negative facultative intracellular bacterium Legionella pneumophila to cause Legionnaires’ disease hinges predominantly on the components and characteristics of its cell envelope.The cytoplasm of Gram-negative bacteria is bordered by the inner membrane. It consists of a bilayer of two phospholipid leaflets with integral and peripheral proteins and lipoproteins. It harbors metabolic enzymes, components of the respiratory chain and parts of the iron acquisition machinery (Figure (Figure11).
PAL = peptidoglykaaniin liittynyt lipoprteiini
FeoB= raudan kuljetuskohta
PlaB = Fosfolipaasi A/lysofosfolipaasi A.
MOMP= pääasiallinen ulomman kalvon proteiini .
OM = outer membrane, ulompi kalvo; ( ulompi lipidikaksoiskalvo)
IM = inner membrane, sisempi kalvo ( Sisempi lipidikaksoiskalvo)
Mip = makrofagi-infektiivisyyden vahvasitaja
PP = periplasmisia proteiineja

Periplasma (PP) sisältää suhteellisen ohuen keroksen peptidoglykaania ja eri proteiineja. Legionellan peptidoglykaani on vahvasti ristikkäin linkkiytynyttä. Periplasmaan sijoittautuu monet detoksikoivat entsyymit, jotka pystyvät tekemään vaarattomaksi ja hajoittamaan miljöön haitalliset aineet. Legionellan eritekoneistot, jotka läpäisevät kaksi kalvoa, ulottuvat periplasmisen tilan läpi.
- The periplasm contains a relatively thin layer of peptidoglycan and different proteins. Legionella peptidoglycan is strongly crosslinked (Amano and Williams, 1983). The periplasm is the location of many detoxifying enzymes which degrade harmful substances from the environment. Secretion machineries which cross two membranes also go through the periplasmic space.
Ulkokalvo on asymmetrinen ja sen sisempi lehti on lähinnä fosfolipideistä ja ulompi lehti lähinnä lipopolysakakrideista (LPS). Siihen asettuu proteiineja, joilla on erilaisia virulenssifunktioita kuten adheesio ( kiinnittyminen) ja isäntäsolun sisään ottaminen. Legionellan LPS omaa ainutlatuisen arkkitehtuurin, erityisesti mitä tulee hydrofobiseen O-antigeeniin.
- The outer membrane is asymmetric with an inner leaflet of mostly phospholipids and an outer leaflet of mostly lipopolysaccharides (LPS). It harbors proteins with diverse functions in virulence such as adhesion and uptake into host cells. Legionella LPS has a unique architecture, particularly concerning the hydrophobic O-antigen.
Tietyntyyppiset pinnan lisukkeet kuten karvat( pili) ja siimat ( flagella) , joita baktgeerin motiliteettiin ja patogeenisyyteen vaaditaan, ankkuroituvat sisäkalvoon ja tunkevat esiin solunulkoiseen tilavuuteen.
- Certain types of surface appendages such as pili and flagella, which are required for bacterial motility and pathogenicity, are anchored in the inner membrane and protrude into the extracellular space (Liles et al., 1998; Stone and Abu Kwaik, 1998; Heuner and Steinert, 2003).
Ulkokalvon komponenttien virulenssiominaisuudet ovat erityisen tärkeitä ulkokalvoperäisissä rakkuloiissa (OMV). Kuten useimmat bakteerit niin Legionellakin lehteilee näitä OMV-rakkuloita ulkopinnaltaan (OM). Ulkopintarakkulat ovat pallomaisia ja omaavat (yhden) lipidikaksoiskerroksen ja ulkokerrokselle (OM) ominaisia komponetteja ja periplasmisia proteiineja.
- Virulence properties of outer membrane components are particularly important in regard to outer membrane vesicles (OMVs). Like most bacteria, L. pneumophila sheds these vesicles from its outer membrane. OMVs are spherical lipid bilayers and contain outer membrane components and periplasmic proteins.
L. pneumophila-soluvaipan aktuelli rakenne tutkittiin yksityiskohtaisesti elektronimikroskoopilla (Rodgers et Davey, 1982) pian sen jälkeen, kun bakteeri oli keksitty. Eri menetelmin saatiin visualisoitua kummatkin kalvot (OM, IM) sekä peptidoglykaanikerros ja saatiin elävä kuva kaikista komponenteista, joita nykyään analysoidaan lähinnä biokemiallisesti. Nämä tutkijat olivat myös ensimmäisiä osoittamassa L. pneumophilan OMV- rakkuloiden olemassaolon, vaikka niitä nimitettiin kupliksi, "blebs" ja ne selitettiin kondensoituneiksi karvoihin liittyviksi proteiineiksi tai satunnaisiksi ulkokalvoperäisiksi rakenneproteiineiksi.
- The actual structure of the L. pneumophila cell envelope was assessed in detail by electron microscopy shortly after the discovery of the bacterium (Rodgers and Davey, 1982). Both membranes and the peptidoglycan layer were visualized by different methods, resulting in vivid images of the components that are, nowadays, analyzed mostly biochemically. The authors are also the first to show the existence of OMVs of L. pneumophila, even though they are termed “blebs” and explained as “condensed pili-related proteins or random structural proteins of the outer membranes.”
- An extensive study of L. pneumophila morphology including envelope architecture was performed by Faulkner and Garduño (2002). They hypothesize the existence of several morphological variants, each corresponding to a certain growth phase or stage of the infection cycle. Interestingly, five different envelope structures are presented which vary in thickness, number of membrane layers, and electron density of individual components. As some of the morphological variants only occurred during intracellular growth, the authors propose that the development of these variants depends on host metabolites. This notion can explain the absence of these forms during extracellular growth in liquid media. The impact of processing artifacts arising during the preparation of the samples, however, remains to be clarified.
- Many secretion systems and outer membrane proteins with roles in virulence have been excellently reviewed elsewhere and are not within the focus of this work. This includes T1SS and twin-arginine translocation (Tat) secretion (Lammertyn and Anne, 2004), T2SS (Cianciotto, 2009), T4SS as well as their respective translocated effectors (Ninio and Roy, 2007). Finally, secreted phospholipases connect Legionella virulence to host lipids (Banerji et al., 2008). Less attention was paid to other components of the Legionella cell envelope which are not part of the aforementioned complexes. This review concentrates on these envelope components and how they mediate Legionella virulence properties.
- The Inner Membrane of L. PneumophilaStarting from the inside and proceeding outward, the first layer is the inner membrane, also termed cytoplasmic or plasma membrane. It is a lipid bilayer with integrated components of various systems, including the iron uptake machinery, the respiratory chain, and the detoxification system (Table (Table11).
Protein Molecular function Role in infection/required for Reference FeoB GTP-dependent Fe(II) transporter Macrophage killing, full virulence in mouse Petermann et al. (2010), Robey and Cianciotto (2002) IraA/IraB Small-molecule methyl transferase/ peptide transporter Iron uptake, infection of human macrophages, and guinea pigs Viswanathan et al. (2000) Multi-copper oxidase Potential oxidation of ferrous iron Extracellular replication Huston et al. (2008) LadC Putative adenylate cyclase Adhesion to macrophages, intracellular replication, putative modification of protein functions via cAMP Newton et al. (2008) TatB T2S, additional function(s) Intracellular replication in human macrophages, growth under iron-limiting conditions, cytochrome c-dependent respiration, export of PLC activity to supernatant
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