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torsdag 4 november 2010

Tularemia Wikipediatekstistä

  • Miten hoitaa? Miten estää?
  • Streptomysiini on ensisijainen lääke. Tularemiaa voidaan hoitaa myös gentamisiinilla 10 päivän kuurilla, tetrasykliiniryhmän lääkkeellä kuten doksisykliinillä 2-3 viikon kuurilla, kloramfenikolilla tai fluorokinoleilla.

The drug of choice is Streptomycin.[15] Tularemia may also be treated with gentamicin for ten days, tetracycline-class drugs such as doxycycline for 2–3 weeks,[16] chloramphenicol or fluoroquinolones.

  • On olemassa heikennettyä, elävää rokotetta, muta se on varalla vain korkean riskin ryhmiä varten. Sen käyttöä altistuksen jälkeiseen profylaksiaan ei suositella.

An attenuated, live vaccine is available, but its use is restricted to high risk groups. Its use as post-exposure prophylaxis is not recommended.

  • Tularemia on myös mahdollinen biologinen ase. Tästä löytyy tietoa netistä.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regard F. tularensis as a viable bioweapons agent, and it has been included in the biological warfare programs of the USA, USSR and Japan at various times.] A former Soviet biological weapons scientist, Kenneth Alibek, has alleged that an outbreak of Tularemia among German soldiers shortly before the siege of Stalingrad was due to the release of F. tularensis by Soviet forces, but this claim is rejected by others who have studied the outbreak. In the US, practical research into using tularemia as a bioweapon took place in 1954 at Pine Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas, an extension of the Camp Detrick program. It was viewed as an attractive agent because:

  • it is easy to aerosolize- Aines aerosolisoituu helposti.
  • it is highly infective; 10-50 bacteria are required to infect. Aines on mitä infektoivinta, vain 10-50 bakteeria riittää infektoimiseen.
  • it is non-persistent and easy to decontaminate (unlike anthrax). Se ei ole pinttyneesti pysyvää ja se on helppo dekaóntaminoida.
  • it is highly incapacitating to infected persons. Infektoitunut henkilö on tehokkaasti tehty toimintakyvyttömäksi.
  • it has comparatively low lethality, which is useful where enemy soldiers are in proximity to non-combatants, e.g. civilians. Letaalisuus on suhteellisen matala, mikä on etu silloin kun vihollissotilaat ovat lähellä muita esim siviiliväestöä.

Tästä biokemiallisesta puolesta on Wikipediassa vielä enemmänkin tekstiä:

The Schu S4 strain was standardized as Agent UL for use in the U.S. M143 bursting spherical bomblet. It was a lethal biological with an anticipated fatality rate of 40 to 60 percent. The rate-of-action was around three days, with a duration-of-action of 1 to 3 weeks (treated) and 2 to 3 months (untreated) with frequent relapses. UL was streptomycin resistant. The aerobiological stability of UL was a major concern, being sensitive to sun light, and losing virulence over time after release. When the 425 strain was standardized as agent JT (an incapacitant rather than lethal agent), the Schu S4 strain's symbol was changed again to SR.

Both wet and dry types of F. tularensis (identified by the codes TT and ZZ) were examined during the "Red Cloud" tests, which took place from November 1966 to February 1967 in the Tanana Valley, Alaska.[20]

No vaccine is available to the general public.

  • Miten parhaiten estää tularemiaa?
  • The best way to prevent tularemia infection is to wear rubber gloves when handling or skinning lagomorphs (such as rabbits), avoid ingesting uncooked wild game and untreated water sources, wear long-sleeved clothes, and use an insect repellent to prevent tick bites.
  • Dokumentoituja taudinpurkauksia:

In the summer of 2000, an outbreak of tularemia in Martha's Vineyard resulted in one fatality, and brought the interest of the CDC as a potential investigative ground for aerosolized Francisella tularensis. Over the following summers, Martha's Vineyard was identified as the only place in the world where documented cases of tularemia resulted from lawn mowing.

An outbreak of tularemia occurred in Kosovo in 1999-2000.

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